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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Rezeki Ramadhan. And hardwork too.

Berita baik menjelang Syawal =)

Mak saya selalu kata, kalau tuhan kurangkan rezeki kita dari part lain, Dia akan beri kita extra rezeki di part yang lain, Insya Allah. Jika Dia menghendaki.

I just received it. Remember about the job offer I mentioned before? Two jobs offer actually. Not in the gov sector. Private one, still. Tapi harus bersyukur sebab ada yang berminat dengan kerja kita kan.

After lots of discussion with my self the boss, I decided to stay. For several reasons. Pertama haruslah sebab they just offered me an increment. Yeah, an increase in salary with the jobs and environment you’re familiar with. Great kan =) H-E-A-V-E-N sangat.

Syukur Alhamdullilah, Allah. =))

Secondly, sebab kepuasan diri. To satisfy my innerself. You tahu tak perasaan bila you dah bajak tanah, semai benih, siram anak pokok, lihat pokok membesar, dan sekarang tengah tunggu pokok tu berbuah?? Macam itulah. Takkan saya nak leave setelah penat lelah saya setup in the beginning? No way, man.

Lagi pula, a friend of mine pun pernah kata, kau kerja untuk apa? Untuk duit atau kepuasan?! Nah, masa di sana lah shocked dan fikir sejenak.

This JOB is challenging. Hari hari penuh cabaran, and stress sometimes. There were times it could be very depressive. But, once you get through the odd and depressive part, sekali lagi macam di SURGA.
Sebab kau dapat pengalaman baru. Pengalaman hidup. Next time, u’ll know what to do bukan sahaja dari segi work attitude and skills, malah life and survivor skills.

Kemanisan itu rasa lebih sedap bila kau bekerja keras mendapatkannya. Disanalah harga airmata dan effort kau.

Masa interview, I was asked this questions..
Interviewer: How was your job? Briefly explain.
ME: (Cerita panjang lebar, siap cakap If you’re interested to join our Fully Sponsored courses, don’t hesitate to call me yah. At the end of sessions siap bagi card.)

DAMN. DAMN. DAMN. Ini interview la vongoks. Yang kau promote macam pigi marketing itu kenapa?


REM#1: Agreed to Mr P and Ms G. Kita kerja in a team. Kalau kena marah sama sama kena marah. Kalau dapat hasil sama sama dapat hasil. Chemistry itu sudah ada. Sudah tahu cara kerja masing masing.
REM#2 : Tidak sabar mahu pergi Dreamworld,Ranau. Awal awal sudah bagitau Ieda sebab dia AJK Check-In kan, saya request kami bilik bersama-sama.


Nonny Atika said...

alhamdulillah.. & tahniah on the increment :)

FionaHafiz said...

Gud luck dayah!
Just a thought of sharing. My exboss once told me to work for selfsatisfaction. but at the end of the day, it is the money/pay thats matter. halal money to support our family. money is always the reason why we seek for a job at the first place rite? And so i leave my old workplace with less reluctant feeling. The end.

dayz j said...

Nonny: Thanks. Keep it quiet. Haha
Ona: Betul. Duit yang bayar bil, bukan kepuasan diri. Haha

Cinoi Lavigne said...

Kerja apa kau skrg ni?

dayz j said...

Cinoi; "Currently working as a Training Coordinator for AMC College and can be cum-cum to assistant trainer, trainer, designer, editor, cleaner, driver, buruh kasar, u named it. Normal stuff when you’re in private sector. My Our job is to ensure all the ICT training can be run smoothly in our respective zones. Imagine u have to handle an average of 8 classes per day, more-less 32 classes every week. Not just coordinating, but heavily involved with planning the schedule, assigning the trainer, promoting, recruiting students and paper works, not to forget REPORT part T_T Report, kau buat saya nangis tiap bulan." Panjang lebar kan.

Cinoi Lavigne said...

Ohh slalu saya ampak tu vacancy AMC college kan.

Dayz J said...

Cinoi; ya. Yang vacancy tu post Trainer lah. Kira macam lecturer yang mengajar ICT. Staff saja yang fulltime, trainer semua part timer itu selalu bertukar ganti. hehee Nah, mana tau kau mau part time ajar autocad, boleh datang sini.


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